Assessment Design

Assessment Design

Academic leadership for alignment of assessment at programme and module levels

July 20, 2020

The aim of this workshop is to support you in designing assessment at module and programme levels that is strongly aligned to institutional level graduate attributes, programme level aims and module level learning outcomes.

The aim is to develop coherent programmes that influence students towards deep learning approaches through an assessment strategy that considers mapping to graduate attributes, development of effective learning outcomes, constructive alignment of teaching activities and assessment types, authentic assessment, assessment workload control, and assessment scheduling for students and tutors.

In completing this workshop, you will be able to demonstrate


Critical understanding of approaches to design of coherent programmes of study that have strong and coherent alignment between their aims, graduate attributes, and assessment at module level.


Practical understanding and skills in writing and reviewing learning outcomes, for different levels of study within your subject discipline and with consideration of their influence on student autonomy.


Critical consideration of different assessment types and design decisions concerning authentic assessments within your subject discipline and the range of assessment types appropriate for a programme.


A critical perspective on underpinning theory and research including the strengths and potential pitfalls of using learning outcomes for programme design.


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